Catherine Bakewell writes fairytales for anyone with big feelings. She currently lives in St. Louis, but she misses her time in Spain and in France, where she romped through gardens, ate pastries, and worked on her novels.
She is represented by Jordan Hamessley at JABberwocky Literary Agency.
Her debut Middle Grade novel WE ARE THE SONG and her debut YA Fantasy FLOWERHEART, are available now!
Catherine Bakewell
My Books
Where Shadows Bloom
YA FANTASY (Ages 13+)
HARPER, February 11, 2025
A mesmerizing daydream with a subtle edge of darkness that will leave you utterly unable to put it down, Where Shadows Bloom pits terrifying monsters, chilling secrets, capricious gods, immortal kings, and death itself against the unstoppable love between two girls.
Cover art by Yejin Park, Design by Catherine Lee
YA FANTASY (Ages 13+)
HARPERTEEN, March 14 2023
Sixteen-year-old Clara Lucas’s wild magic sets fires and breaks windows— and has now grown flowers in her father’s lungs. To save him, she makes a dangerous bargain with the local wizard, who happens to be her childhood best friend.
Cover art by Yejin Park, Design by Catherine Lee
We Are the Song
Twelve-year-old Elissa has been raised in seclusion as a devotee of the Mother Goddess. She is a special child, a blessed child, a child who can sing miracles into being. Her voice can heal wounds, halt landslides, cure hunger–and even end wars.
But there are those who would use her gift for darker things. And when Elissa finds herself the farthest from home she’s ever been–along with her vain and jealous music tutor, Lucio–she will have to develop the judgment to decide who wants to use her song to heal… and who wants to use her song to hurt.
Cover art by Karmen Loh.
My Local Independent Bookstores
Main Street Books St. Charles
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St. Charles, Missouri 63301
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St. Louis, MO 63119
Left Bank Books
399 N. Euclid Ave
St. Louis, MO 63108